About us

The gdi, s.r.o. company was founded in January 2002 as an independent private organization. It operates a network of specialized language oriented web portals, offering students interested in language studies comprehensive and summarized information about language education opportunities in Czech Republic and abroad, about translation and interpretation services and about individual languages. The gdi, s.r.o. is an expert in SEO (search engine optimization), Google AdWords campaigns and in marketing promotion of language courses on the internet. It owns a vast advertising space with a monthly visit rate of 200-300 thousand language education and translation services interested people.

Language education projects

Projects about translation and interpretation

Projects dedicated to individual languages

Language courses, language schools, translators, interpreters, textbooks, educational materials and other language related information

Contact informations


gdi, s.r.o.
Hybešova 598
666 01 Tišnov
Czech republic
Tel.: +420 516 116 544
FAX: +420 533 433 926

Email: info(zavináč)gdi.cz

Customer support

Tel.: +420 516 116 544

Payment information

VAT number: CZ 26301768
Bank account:
IBAN: CZ8020100000002500206629